Monday, September 06, 2004

I know when I avoid the scale...

that I dread what it's going to read. It was not a good week for me. After the success of the previous week, I found excuses for not working out and for making some questionable eating choices.

The eating part doesn't bother me too much. I had opportunities for food that I took. I kept my proportions within reason and skipped dessert. And, dang, steak and potatoes are tasty once in a while. (and I would do it again in a heartbeat).

What I'm disappointed in is that I barely worked out. I hurt my toe at the beginning of the week, making shoes uncomfortable. I used that as an excuse not to work out. I simply don't want to get into that habit. Taking a day or two off when necessary is fine, but I can't spread it out for a whole week.

So that means I haven't gotten on the scale all week. I know it's not going to make me happy. I'll wait until Wednesday (my "official" weekly weigh-in day) and see how much damage I caused.

I will not use it as an excuse to throw in the towel and say "screw it, I don't care about the weight loss or the cholesterol or the blood pressure or my high risk for breast cancer or heart disease or Type II diabetes". I think that's one of the things I've really gotten better about. There will always be set backs, but it's about getting back up on the treadmill and keep on walkin' baby!