Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Why Food Logs are important

I haven't been logging my food for a couple of weeks. Let's face it, it's annoying as hell to keep track of everything I eat. I'm paying for it with a plateau. I had hoped to get down to 163-162 lbs by the end of August and I'm about 164.4 lbs (this morning). I still have a week, and a pound in not an unrealistic goal, but I'm going to track the food very meticulously for the next week.

I'm not willing to put more work into my workouts. I'm already spending an hour a day as it is (well, let's say 5-6 days a week). That means I've got to look at my eating again.

The other thing I've got to keep reminding myself is that I've got to watch what I'm eating, not just how much. I really want that cholestrol number to drop.

It's funny, but I went and looked at the guidelines for how to lower your cholesterol and I don't think it's enough (as I was already working out 3 days a week as per the guidelines and pretty much following the diet. I was even losing weight as my cholesterol was going up). I think there's a fear that people will be overwhelmed by how much work it actually takes and it's just easier to prescribe medication. I found a great article about that here.

So back to the icky food logs. Immediately I see where I'm not reaching my goal in protein (which can be a challenge while I'm cutting down on animal fats). So I'm looking at tasty options on how to raise the protein without raising my fat levels. Fruit smoothies with egg whites may be an option. I'm also going to have to look at some soy products to see what I can do to add those.