Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Food and Exercise

Well, duh, that's what I'm doing here, right? Trying to think out loud my food and exercise program. So not a very original title.

It's a bit like my workout/food right now. Not very original. But, hey, I'm working. I'm working hard.

I've bumped up my workouts again, keeping my Fitday log and I'm feeling it. I'm sore (I've even been doing lunges! Yikes!). I still don't think I'll ever get used to being sore. It's not always this bad, but there's almost always a little soreness somewhere. It's a sign that I'm working hard, but I'm hoping that translates into some more weight loss...

So Weigh In Wednesdays will be back this week. I've been avoiding the scale, which is never a good thing. Matt is not thrilled with Weigh In Wednesdays, as he knows that it usually puts me in a bad mood. I'm always disappointed in myself. I want the weight to come off and come off quickly. It doesn't. I don't think I've ever lost more than 2lbs in one week in my life. I expect the scale to be up a little this week... hopefully it'll be good motivation to keep on plan.

One of the reasons I started blogging was for thinking out loud my struggles. I'm not sure if this encourages or discourages others. Or even if anyone even reads this, but I have found it helpful to keep a journal to see where I get discouraged or to be able to pat myself on the back. Most people are not happy for other's weight loss/healthier lifestyles. I get more discouraging remarks (subtle put downs) than encouragement for the most part. However, the people who have been encouraging to me have meant the world to me.

It's hard to ignore the little subtle put downs (even if they are meant to lift the self esteem of the person putting me down, they're still put downs to me). Part of it is recognizing the source and to maybe avoid the negative influences as much as you can. However, it always comes back to being responsible for myself and being comfortable with my decisions and the knowledge that this lifestyle is healthier for me. It's worth a little soreness.