Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Lunge This

I hate lunges. I hate them with a passion. If I do too many of them, they become dangerous, as I can't keep proper form. I know they're good for me, so I continue to do as many as I can.

Maya, however, loves lunges. She can give me 30 plus minutes of lunges in one workout. Even if I'm doing an upper body concentration. Okay, I maybe exagerating a bit. But just a bit. The other day I did a 45 minute upper body concentration. Not including the double lunges during the cardio (which don't really count, as they're not really lunges... they're hard, but not the same) I did a solid 12 sets of 8 lunges. I tried to increase/decrease difficulty, but she had it in her head that I needed lunges. That's almost 100 lunges in one workout. A workout that I was to concentrate on my upper body.

I will add that I did do a lower body workout one day for 45 minutes. After the 15 minute cardio section at the beginning, the rest of the workout was nothing but lunges. Lunges on the step. Lunges with weights. Lunges with a pulse. Reverse lunges. Squat/lunge combos. Directional lunges. For 30 minutes. It's simply too much.

However, I do what I can, then try to do something else. I will also do a stationary lunge and not do any movement (it's the movement that puts strain on my knee). I figure holding the position will still strengthn the muscles.

I will say that I do need a little more work on the lower body strength training. I'm not fond of doing it, so I don't do as long or as hard as I do when it's upper body day. That's gotta change. Even if I don't do it with Maya, I could do it on my own (all those great exercises I did post knee surgery would make a nice workout... and that's what I was doing before I started using Yourself!Fitness).

So a 3o minute workout with Maya this morning. However, I need to boost the weight loss (Matt says we can go to Simon Pearce once I break the 150 lb mark), so I'll probably ride the stationary bike this afternoon for 10 miles or so.