Monday, May 09, 2005

7 months and counting

I've been working out very regularly with Maya now for 7 months. I've lost a little over 10 lbs working with her. I've gained a lot of muscle. Considering how often I work with Yourself!Fitness, I'm amazed at how far I've come and how much I still can't do.

I was doing my workout yesterday. While I was doing the T-Step, I remember how difficult it was to learn the moves of the workout. Now I just automatically can switch between it and the other step workouts without even missing a beat.

There are still steps I just don't get. The Out Out In. I just do a Step Touch with that. I still can't do many jumping jacks (they hurt my feet... again, I'm sure it has to do with my 154 lb body on my little size 5-1/2 shoe foot). I don't even want to discuss my pushups skills. I think I've improved from being able to do 5 to 10. In 7 months. Yes, that's a 50% improvement. Some days I can even do a few extra (maybe not with great form) but more often then not, 10 is my max.

Matt and I spent some time yesterday talking about focus, commitement, and routines. It was very helpful to verbalize my struggles and have someone listen and offer support. This isn't easy. To keep focus long enough to lose this much weight is a definite challenge. It's easy to get discouraged and to get tired of the process.

All in all, I think Yourself!Fitness has been a saving grace for me. Yes, it has become a little monotonous (I unlocked everything by the end of October), but it's still the most interesting workout I've done to date. I do hope that there will be a sequel and they get a little more creative with it. Maya lives in a virtual reality. How cool would it be to unlock really cool, exotic locations? I think a Mars landscape, or a prehistoric setting with dinosaurs or Mayan ruins would all be fun. I know that this product is being targeted to non gaming females, but us gaming females would love more unlockables. Maybe even after completing so many workouts you get a little mini game (a trivia nutrition quiz?). So much possibilities. I just hope that there will be more (*cough* and soon) as I really do like using my Xbox for workouts and I think it's mostly balanced workout (less lunges would be nice, tho')

Today's Positive Comment:
Matt finished 13th out 51 riders for the Turkey Hill Country Classic cat 5 bike race. Even tho' he lost his keys on the ride (and therefore was distracted during the race!)