Thursday, January 26, 2006

Food Labels

I'm usually a meticulous food label reader. I try to track my calories and my fat (I glance at the other info... especially the fiber/protein content, but it's the cals and fat that are my priority). I don't usually buy a new product without first checking to see if it fits with in my calorie budget.

I didn't the other day. I bought some Weight Watchers desserts. They sounded like a fun treat, and hey, it's Weight Watchers so it's got to be low calorie, right.

Nope, not at all. I get it home pop it in my freezer, eat one, then think, oh, I've got to check the label so I can track it. 190 calories. For a so-so dessert. A serving of premium ice cream (1/2 cup of Turkey Hill's peanut butter cup) is 180 calories. What???? Now, there was difference in fat, with the WW desert having about half the fat, but when you come down to taste and preference, there's no reason to waste 190 calories on them.

Lesson learned... just because something is marketed as "healthy", I still MUST read the label.

Okay, now let's talk about my workout yesterday... it was an "eh". I did do a mile on the treadmill, but thanks to "one of those days" I never got back to do the other 2 miles.

Today's workout goal:
45 minutes with Maya upper body concentration

So that's the plan for today...