Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Weigh In Wednesday

An other week gone by. So what's the damage this week?

152.4 lbs

Yeah!!! I'm now at college weight.

The problem this week is that my computer went back for some minor repairs (a missing key and an issue with the battery recharging). So I don't have my FitDay. I could use the online one for the week, but just decided to not track this week as a break. I'm doing the same thing I've been doing, but it's nice not to have to log every single thing I'm eating.

Starting Weight: 214 lbs
Last Week's Weight: 154.4 lbs
This Week's Weight: 152.4 lbs

I think that's one of the largest drops in one week I've had. Part of that drop would be a water weight drop, tho.

So the world's slowest weight loss program continues on... slow and steady!