Monday, April 10, 2006

One Step At A Time

I've been sort of lacking on posting between weigh ins. However, I really want this blog to be about the journey, just not the weight.

Anyway, I hit a milestone today. I don't like running. I'm not even sure what I do can be called "running". It's more a jog, or actually a bouncing walk.

I've been trying to increase my walking on the treadmill to include more jogging with my current goal of being able to jog an entire mile. I started slowly, increasing my distance slow and steady. I've been able to do a little better than one lap for a while now, but today was the first I've done 2 laps (1/2 mile) all at once. I had done a half mile before, but only with a little walk break between laps.

While I don't ever expect that I'll become a "jogger", there is something so very efficient about it. I can very rapidly raise my heart rate. I can burn a lot of calories very quickly. I guess part of it is also mental. I feel like I'm an active person if I can jog at least one mile. I think it will prove to me that I am more physically fit now than ever before.

Also, after much rescheduling, I'm finally getting to the doctor's tomorrow. I went and had my mamogram on Friday (and it was very very easy... much less uncomfortable than I expected). Fingers crossed, I'll weigh in on their scale less than 150 lbs! I'll post weight results tomorrow...