Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Oops, Wrong Way

Well, the Weigh In Wednesday was as expected: not good. I'm back to 153 lbs. That's gotta change. I'm simply not working out enough right now.

I'm at that "tired of the process" point right now. I know how much work this is and I'm resenting the time that I need to work out, as there are other things I want to be doing. I simply can not bring myself to put in the effort right now.

I also realized how much soda I'm drinking again. I like to limit how much diet soda I drink. For several reasons. Drinking soda cuts into my water consumption, and I need to be drinking more water. I also don't want all that sodium. So I'm concentrating on just one soda a day again. I also think that the fake sugar triggers my appetite.

I've also got to start using Fitday again. I really hate the amount of work tracking my food is, but I have to do it. If I don't know what I'm eating, and I'm barely working out, the weight creeps back on (obviously).

It gets a little frustrating: I know what I have to do, I know that I can even do it, but sometimes that knowledge is not a good thing. It takes a lot of work and sacrifice and sometimes that's overwhelming. Quite frankly, I want my life back instead of this constant concern over everything I eat and how much I'm working out.