Sunday, June 25, 2006


Thanks to Lauren, (*cough* April 30th??? don't you think it's time to update????) I fixed the comments. I had accidently changed the setting on who can comment, but now anyone can comment. I just have to approve them.

Now back to the actual "fitness" part of this blog.

I think I'm back to a regular workout schedule again. I'm trying to work in Yourself!Fitness 3 days a week, which is a great overall body cardio and a nice upper body concentration. I'm also doing the stationary bike or the treadmill on the alternate days while trying to get some lower body weight lifting in.

I still can't quite break the soreness yet, but I know that fades a bit as I get used to the workouts. It also wouldn't hurt to take some pain reliever every once in a while.

I guess I need to buckle down and work a bit on the food again. I'm comfortable maintaining this weight (obviously, as I've been at about the same weight for a year and a half now). So I need to start tracking again, going back down to 1200 (ugh!) calories. I'll probably do the same thing... try to drop 10 lbs, then spend some time at that weight before I tackle the next. It seems to be the way I'm the most comfortable losing weight. If I loose too much too fast, it seems to come back. Slow and steady... okay, really really slow, and somewhat steady.

So back to tracking... something I hate having to do, but it really is the most effective way to lose weight.