Thursday, June 22, 2006

Just killing time...

I'm about to head off to do my walk/jog on the treadmill. I'm just waiting for my afternoon snack to sort of settle before I attack the treadmill.

I've been cycling thru my different workouts and they're feeling pretty good. I did Maya's upper body workout yesterday and I realized that I get impatient with the breaks between sets. When I do weights on my own, I take rests between sets, but not nearly as long as she does. I'm sure part of that is I want to get it done.

It's my biggest issue with my workouts: I just want to get them done. I really struggle with boredom and impatience when I'm working out. I simply loose interest and I start to think about the other things I would rather be doing.

So here I sit and procrastinate getting on the treadmill. It's hot out and I'm glad I'm working out indoors with A/C, but I also need to find something that keeps me motivated. I'm heading out with Matt tonight for a training ride so I can get some pictures. Maybe that will keep me motivated. Nothing like a bunch of skinny bike riders (who's legs are better shaved) to keep me working hard!!!