Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday...and it's quiet... too quiet

so let's think back to last week and those goals I set up... something about working out every day, using Fitday, blah blah blah.

Well the weekend was a bust and this week hasn't started off great either. I've used FitDay sporatically. I've worked out sporatically, but hey, I am blogging more!

It's a matter of habit, and I'm not quite at the habit yet.

It also doesn't mean I'm throwing in the towel. These are lifesstyle changes, and just like most of the changes I've made over the years, they don't happen overnight, or just because I say I'm going to do them. I have to continue to work and reconfirm my goals to get me to stay on course.

So I'm off to workout (see the fitness blog really is just for me to talk myself into a workout). I learned a long time ago to not beat myself up over what's been done. I didn't workout over the weekend? Well that has absolutely no bearing on whether I workout today or not. Learn from the past, not use it as an excuse. So off to ride the stationary bike and then maybe some weights (or a quick jog on the treadmill...)