Okay, I'm trying to be fairly active on the Yourself!Fitness forum as I think it's great to see how others are doing and to give my impressions of using this program. I'm keeping a little progress report on it and I updated it today with my evaluation from today. (I've now been using the Yourself!Fitness for 6 weeks).
I commented on the lack of weight loss in my update (only 4 lbs in 6 weeks) but my fat percentage is down to 38% from 43%... well, someone did the math for me and in fact, I've actually lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks, and gained 5lbs of muscle. Wow! I knew my body was changing, but I'm so focused on the scale that I just never bothered doing the math to see what I'm actually doing (oh, wait, that's right I hate math...).
The other booster to my self confidence today was I threw on a sleeveless top to workout in. I had to do a double take in the mirror. I'm actually showing shoulder definition! It won't be long before I'll go sleeveless in public! All those upper body movements in the cardio workout are definitely paying off.
So enough self pitying "oh, I'm working so hard and not getting any results" whining... well, at least for today!
In other news: Matt set up a profile and is working with Maya as I type this. He maxed out on everything but crunches, so Maya's working his core (but it was amusing to watch him try to get the steps on the cardio warm up... I think he would rather ride a bike.... oh, wait, he would always rather ride a bike).