Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Wednesday Weigh In

Who's idea was this Wednesday Weigh In, anyway? Oh, ya, that would be me.

Eh, not much new:

159.8 lbs
39.1% body fat

Oh, look, that's the same as last week! Good thing I'm working really hard, or I may just be gaining weight! I did go back thru my FitDay records for the last couple of months (since July 1)

I've lost 10 lbs in that time period.
I've lost 2" in my bicep
I've lost .5" in my waist
I've lost 1.5" in my hip
I've lost about 3% body fat
All other measurements are the same.

It took 4 months for that to occur. I guess I'm just very very impatient. If I work hard, I want to see more results. It's like cleaning. I don't like to clean things that don't look like I cleaned it after I'm done. Or that immedietely needs to be re-done (like vacumming).

I am doubtful at this point that I'm going to hit my 150lb goal by the end of the year. I'll be lucky to see 155lbs. Again, I can't reduce my calories any more and I'm already working out as much as I can (and I'm trying not to burn out, it's easy to over do it when I'm enthusiastic and that actually can back fire).