Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Anyone Can Dance, That's The Law

Okay, I know I've been working with Maya too long when one of the songs on Yourself!Fitness gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day (hence the title of today's entry).

One of the things I've noticed since I've started using the Y!F is that I have a tendancy of selecting the same music (I like the Techno the best) and the same enviroments (Alpine Retreat: It's got the cyclist in the background) and I really need to mix it up a bit more. So I've been using the "House" music (the last music you unlock) and I've noticed it has more "singing" then the others. It's catchy and it really does help keep me motivated. I need the 20 minute extended Euro-disco version, tho...

In the positive re-inforcement catagory, I tried on the half finished MBKPE that I stopped due to a little issue with the bustline (not enough short rows for my well endowed figure). Well, I thought I would give it a try to see if I can wear it now and it looks great! So I'll take off the first sleeve (got a couple of gaps from when I picked up the stitches and Idon't remember how I did it... so I'll just do them both over again). I wonder how many other UFO's I have in my closet that I can now wear (or for that matter, won't fit?)