Does being a tenacious game player help me with my weight loss journey? Actually, I never thought I was a tenacious person. Matt watched me play thru a section of Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy yesterday (stupid camera makes fighting a bit of a challenge: one of the worse cameras in a game that I've played... even worse than Legacy of Kain: Defiance*). Anyway, he mentioned how tenacious I was that I could keep playing the section over and over and over and over (damn, got thru the battle then fell into the lava pit on my way back to save and had to go thru the whole *&^%$$# process over again). For someone that always believed that she has a short attention span (did you see my UFO list?... which isn't even complete) I was surprised that someone thought that about me. I was completely flattered that he thought I had tenacity
Later that night I thought I would surf the Weigh Less web ring and saw how many people start a fitness blog and then stop (the first 4 blogs I hit hadn't been updated since October and I stopped looking at that point... so I'm not overly tenacious, eh?). It made me wonder if they stopped blogging about their weight loss or they stopped working towards a healthier lifestyle. (I always hope it's the first... as it's common in the knitting blogs: you see people start them, then they abdondon them, even tho' they're still knitting).
I do believe that things happen for a reason (for the most part) and I think my slow weight loss program may have some purpose. Let's face it, I can't even over indulge on Christmas (tho' ham felt like an over indulgence, but I still kept it to a 3 oz portion... it's an ingrained behaivor now to know how much of something I'm eating). I still worked out today (yes, it was only 30 minutes, but that's 131 calories that I wouldn't have burned if I hadn't worked out). It may be taking me 6 years to lose 60 lbs, but I have definitely learned and corrected a lot things about my lifestyle in those last 6 years.
Being a mid-30's woman, I'm in an age group where weight is easy to put on and instead of gaining 10 lbs a year, I'm losing 10 lbs a year. I need to stop and take a deep breath when I get frustrated with how slow this is that most women my age are doing just the opposite. Yes, I still fall into the lava pit after I accomplished a major task occassionally, but I hit "continue" and just keep hacking away until I hit my save point.
*Let me just add that one of my all time favorite games is LOK: Defiance. I've played it about 11 times. It's just too bad the camera sucks.