Sunday, January 02, 2005

Helpful Advice?

Well, I was originally going to rant about people's well intentioned suggestions as to why I'm not losing weight. I had second thoughts, as I know their intentions were in the right place, but I'm a very defensive person and sometimes I don't take advice very well (especially when I've been doing this for 6 years).

So in the vain of trying to keep my posts more positive I'll talk about the great workout I had yesterday!

I have a confession to make: I over ride Maya when she suggests "flexibility". I know, I know, that flexibility is part of a good balanced workout, but I wanted to concentrate on burning calories. I also admit that I hated doing the exercises as I couldn't do a lot of them. Well, part of my "get back on track" is to stick with what Maya suggests, I did the flexibility workout. Matt came back from a quick jog (he can't ride for a couple of weeks due to a little surgical procedure) and did it with me.

Doing it with Matt forced me to hold the poses a little longer (having accountability is a good thing), but the part that amazed me is how well I did. I could do most of them (the planks still kill me... but that's a wrist thing which I think will get better as I lose weight). I also was surprised at how many calories I burned doing it (did I mention that I love my new heart rate monitor???). I feel that even tho' I've been working with Maya since October, I'm hitting a new level. I've had to up my cardio workouts, I'm using heavier weights on some exercises and I'm feeling really positive right now!

So positive that I'll be back to the Wednesday Weigh In this week (of course it's a water retention week... but maybe that's good?). I hope that I can lose 2 lbs in January.

Positive Comment:
Today's comment is actually from Maya. Saturday she said to me "well, I never have to worry about you showing up for your workouts".... I don't remember my last skipped workout. I think I've missed less than 5 workouts with Maya (I'm up to 96 completed... I'm scheduled for 6 days a week). I love positive reinforcement!!!