Monday, February 14, 2005


Okay, I've been bad at posting this past week. I'm still sorta half assing my workouts, and the blog suffers from it.

I'm still working out, but I'm down to about 5 days a week for about 30 minutes (if I make it all the way thru). Not good. My eating isn't meticulous, either.

It'll come back. It always does. I have moments of focus, then I lose focus for a bit. That's why it's taken me this long to lose 60 lbs!

Part of it is that I'm completely enthralled with my current knitting project and I have problems putting it down to do something else (which is one of the reasons the meal planning is suffering too... I don't feel like cooking, I want to knit!)

However, I did something kind of fun yesterday. I put Maya in for 15 minutes on "Weight Loss", then I increased the workout to max difficulty. It was tough!!! and way beyond my endurance. I had to knock it back a couple of levels to finish (and this adjusted the length of the workout with each change: max increased how long the workout was, and decreasing it down took time off the workout. I don't agree with this. When I say I want a 15 minute workout, that doesn't mean 20 minutes).

Anyway, it was fun, as it gave me a completely different set of exercises than I've been doing. It also reminded me that I'm not nearly in good enough shape. I'm sort of sitting on my laurels congradulating myself for all my hard work in reducing my cholesterol and losing 20 lbs over the last 7 months, that I needed a little kick in the butt to remind myself that I'm far from being "healthy".

I am hoping that a new Yourself!Fitness is out soon. The music/enviroments and Maya's little catch phrases are getting a little tired (it's not like Halo, where even after playing a level hundreds of time you would hear the NPC's say something you hadn't heard before). She's still the best thing I've tried (and still beats the treadmill), but I'm ready for a change of scenery and some new comments.

Today's Positive Comment:
I actually enjoyed having my butt kicked by Maya. Pushing myself to work harder has become pleasurable