Friday, May 27, 2005

Fun At The Park

Well, not at Fitness Park, but rather at Hershey Park (no relation).

Matt and I took a little mini-vacation yesterday to spend the day at Hershey Park. It was lovely. The crowd was small (lines were short for rides), the weather was beautiful and we had a great time.

The nice thing about Hershey Park is that it's not flat. It's actually a lot of work to move around the park. It's not huge (say like a Disney World park), but some of the inclines are steep. Spending the day there moving around uses muscles that neither Matt and I are used to.

Matt cycles everyday. He puts more miles on his bike annually than we do our car. He's in super shape, and I'm in much better shape than I've ever been. We didn't have issues while we were walking around, but this morning we both mentioned some soreness in unusual places (me it's the calves and with him it's his hip flexors). Just shows you that doing something different really does work different muscles.

Eating at an amusment park is usually the biggest problem for me, but I had decided to not really worry too much about it. Ironically, when I got home and keyed into Fitday what I had eaten, I discovered that I'm now completely trained for better eating (however, if the guy making the funnel cakes wasn't such a loser, I would have gotten one... so maybe the fates were with me. He gave me enough time to realize I didn't really need one). A soft pretzel for a snack (shared with Matt) and a gyro for lunch and a couple of bites of Matt's ice cream cone was my total food intake. The gyro was high in calories and fat, but since I didn't really eat much else, it kept me with in my food range.

Sadly, I didn't workout with Maya, and she'll tell me about it today. There really should be a way to give her a reason why you didn't workout with her. Granted, Matt still rode his bike after we got home, but even he's the first to admit that he's a freak. Oh well, she'll get over it. I'm coming close to 200 workouts done with her, so she should recognize that I'm consistant, even if I miss the occassional workout!