Sunday, May 28, 2006

Food Choices

I worked with Maya on Friday. We decided that I needed an hour upper body workout. She must've felt bad about skipping those $*&$*#&^ lunges the day before, so we did globs of them (I still haven't figured out her obsession with lunges. Even on the upper body workout days). Yikes! It was a great workout and I must admit I'm enjoying getting back to my daily workouts.

However, I'm off to stay with a friend who is recovering from surgery for a few days. I should be able stick with my workouts (a little jogging with her dog should help). I'm also going to lug my Xbox with me so I can take Maya with me. I'm so glad she's portable (heehee). I'm going to really try to stay on schedule while I'm away.

Matt and I just got back from the grocery store and I was looking at our food choices spread out on the conveyer belt. Apart from the lite hot dogs, there wasn't any meat products (tho' I swear I should buy stock in Boca). It amazes me how much we've changed our eating habits over the years. Well, I'm not counting the vodka sauce that Matt put in the cart. I won't touch it (180 calories/10 grams of fat for 1/2 cup seriving). He can afford that kind of splurge, especially after his Tuesday or Thursday night training rides.

It was mostly perishables (fruits/veggies/non fat dairy/bread) with some basic stables (like the Boca). I just think back to when we first started this journey and what our cart used to look like. I even was looking at all the crap on the shelves and thinking about how much really horrible foods are so easy to get... easier to get than the healthy stuff actually. It's no wonder that so many people struggle with making the right choice. We're so inidated with the crap.

I know it's a catch-22. Bike manufacturer's run into this. They get complaints about all the pink girl bikes, so they make other colors for the girl's bikes. The problem is that it's the pink ones that sell. So they make more pink bikes. People bitch about the lack of healthy choices at McDonald's, so McDonald's tried to put some less crappy things on their menus, but they don't sell. So we're inidated with crappy convient food at the grocery store... as that's what we want. Rather we want to admit it or not (or is it just shifting blame? a lack of responsibility?).

It's funny, but even as I was glancing at all the crap (and annoyed with the fat free salad dressing choices... where was my fat free honey mustard dressing???) I realized that it's gotten so easy to skip out on those crappy choices. I'm not sure if it's because we found the healthy foods that we like or if we've just changed our tastes so much that we no longer feel the need to eat the junk. Either way, it just shows that given enough time, enough effort and being open minded, you can change your eating habits to where the new habits are ingrained.