Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Workout

I must admit I'm missing my heart rate monitor. It was so nice to know how many calories I was burning. I guess I need to take the iniative and send it back to Polar for a new battery (as that's the only way to keep it under warrenty... PITA!).

I did a lovely workout with Maya today and I'm feeling pretty sore. As I said, I've been slacking a bit with the weights, doing more treadmill work than anything. I need to keep up with the weight lifting... it's good for my bones, it's important for toning and it helps raise my metabolism to help me burn more fat. Actually, I just enjoy it.

I will say out of all the physical activities that I do/have tried, weight lifting has always been my favorite. It's time consuming, so I don't always concentrate on it like I should (if given a choice between a 30 minute treadmill workout or 30 minutes weight lifting, I chose the treadmill as it will burn more calories). It's one of the reasons I like Maya, as she incorportates it into every workout (sometimes going against basic weight lifting advice: 48 hours rest between working the same muscle group. If you do Maya every day, she'll want you to do lunges every day).

I'm not sure why I like weight lifting. I guess I just enjoy the feeling of strength while I'm doing it. I like the soreness I get with it. It doesn't burn my lungs... I hate the way cardio exercises burn my lungs. It's gotten better as I've gotten more aerobicly fit, but I still find that hard breathing uncomfortable.

Maybe it's the lack of weight training that has my muscles feeling so weak. Let's see if being back on scheudule improves my fatigue level...