That's one of my favorite lines from The Shawshank Redeption. A good rule to live by... on many levels. We go thru life sometimes just plodding along just putting in time until we die. That's not what I want to do.
However, I sometimes seem to take a break... and Tracey is right... complacency leads to weight gain. I know it's not Weigh In Wednesday, but I know my weight is up. I tried to wear my size 12 jeans yesterday and they weren't an option.
I've worked too hard, sacrificed too much to regress to being a slug again...and I have been a slug.
We're coming up on the 2 year anniversary of Yourself!Fitness, and while I've seen interviews and heard rumors about a new version, I haven't heard any specifics. So anyone out there know of a release date... or even a release quarter (say, like Q4 2006). I would love to have a new version of this game. The Eye Toy: Kinetics was not for me, as I need positive reinforcement. I definitely need some kind of workout to get excited about.