Thursday, September 07, 2006

What??? Wednesday Was Yesterday????

Today is true confession time.

I'm avoiding the scale. I'm avoiding as if it were that "brutely honest family member" at a family reunion. You know the one. The one that points out that "red really isn't your color" or "honey, let me give you the number of my hairdressor... he can fix that for you".

The scale is not going to give me any positive reinforcement. It's going to be brutally honest and I know I'm not going to like it.

My diet, while mostly good, has had way too many "extras". My willpower is gone right now. I'm craving sweet things and I'm finding way too many excuses to justify them. The problem is that once I started eating sweets, I start to crave them and it just sort of snowballs.

It doesn't help that I'm also finding excuses to not work out.

I know better. I worked so hard to get down to this weight, and I'm frustrated with my current weight. Clothes shopping earlier this week showed that I've a long way to go yet. (ya, it's always fun trying on clothes. Man those clothes manufacturers have a wicked sense of humor). I'm between sizes and the best solution is to get smaller so that clothes will fit better (we won't have the dicussion on how it was actually easier to find clothes when I was heavier... I'm not sure what that says about our society).

So I'm floundering; actually with a lot of things right now... I'm not in a knitting groove, I'm not playing games (and with only 3 more skill points left in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenol to go before I have 100%) and I'm sorta just slugging along.

Slugging is a good description right now... I don't want to be a slug, so now I just need to get off my ass and get moving. I guess now is as good as a time as any, eh?