Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sad News

While googling for information today on news on a sequel for Yourself!Fitness (as it was rumored one would be out Q4 2006), I found out the real news.

There was a Conference in September to promote Games for Health and ResponDesign participated.

ResponDesign, the creators of Yourself Fitness followed up by bringing us back to reality. The talk kicked off with Yourself Fitness no longer being in stores and there is no sequel in the works. While ResponDesigns has an uncertain future there is still strong support and need for the exergaming space. They also feel having compelling software is what is required to get people to exercise and to solve the obesity epidemic.

No mention of Eye Toy: Kinetics (which we've already established: I hate... too negative and I found the camera to not be very reliable).

But what the hell I'm I to do now? I was soooo looking forward to a new Yourself!Fitness!

Okay, let me say I was just complaining about this to Lauren (love IM) and she said I should just do my own.

Well, actually that's not really that far fetched, ya know. Microsoft is (has?) released a game developer kit for the 360. Let me rephrased that: an affordable game developer kit (normally console development kits run in the tens of thousands). That means for the cost of a 360, plus the cost of the development kit, I "could" create my own Yourself!Fitness type program. However, my personal trainer will be either Dante:
or Kain:
Ya, I think that might just motivate me...