Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Steady As She Goes

I was able to do my workout with Yourself!Fitness yesterday. "Able" is a good description. The hormone thing reared it's ugly head (thank you body... I'm loving the 3 week cycle! HA!) and wasn't sure I had the energy to do a workout.

I figured worse comes to worse, I'll just walk on the treadmill. I wanted to give it a try and so I put Maya in my Xbox. The cardio section was fine, and it actually felt pretty good. However, the weight lifting was an issue, so I didn't do the whole thing. I still feel like I got a good workout and I plan on doing the treadmill today (as per my normal schedule).

I didn't drink as much diet soda as I have been and I'm thrilled with that. The less soda, the more water I get.

I'm not quite at the sacrifice to lose weight part yet, but I do feel like I'm back to routine on the workouts and the balanced eating. The sacrificing is hard... especially when you have the experience to know how hard it is. On the other hand, having gotten this far, I know I can do it again.