Thursday, May 24, 2007

Almost 2 Weeks Later

So I've been back working with Yourself!Fitness and Maya has been kicking my butt.

And dammit, I feel better. My mood is better, I feel more engergized (even tho', in fact I'm not... I'm actually quite physically tired).

The thing that amazed me was how quickly I got over the New Soreness.. you know that really painful stiffness and soreness you get when you first start working out? Well, I had that, but only for the first two days and now I'm back to the general soreness that you get from regular workouts. The body remembers how to do this... even if you try to block all memory of it!

Right now I'm not worrying about any weight loss at all. I've got to get past the "ideal weight goal" and remember why I'm doing this. My motivation Can Not Be Weight Loss only. I doom myself to failure, as I will hit an other plateau and get annoyed.

I need to remember that being active is the goal. Eating healthy is the goal and I'm not even weighing myself. I'm setting up goals of "I'll workout this long this many times this week" and that's it.

Right now it's enough, but I've got to start thinking about what I can do to keep myself on a schedule... working out on a regular basis... even when I get bored, tired or frustrated... that's always the problem.