Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ya, remember how I said it wasn't about the weight?

Well, I did weigh myself this morning. And it's bad... very bad. While I'm trying to focus on just being more active and getting back into the routine of daily workouts, the weight is high enough to be a concern.

It's not a "vanity" thing, but I know that extra weight has an impact on some of my health concerns, and I'm officially concerned. I know that my cholesterol is probably not good again and that does not make me happy... especially as I know that my hormones are changing. My health risks will sky rocket post menopause and I need to keep that cholesterol with in a healthy range.

I'm only working with Yourself!Fitness for 30 minutes a day, and I'm still struggling a bit keeping up for that length of time. I, however, need more cardio than 30 minutes a day... so I'm going to have to do 2 a days... at least a couple of times a week.

I'm also going to cheat by using a packaged diet meal plan. Part of me is completely rebelling against it... as I'm egotistic enough to want to do it on my own, but right now, I want to get rid of 5 lbs ASAP. So I'll give this a try. I need some positive reinforcement with this whole process... as I haven't been very sucessful lately.

So hopefully a packaged meal plan and regular workouts will jumpstart me back to where I need to be... and that's ultimately the goal. Getting back on track!